Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Code Wheel

Overkill...what's that? You never know when you might need to translate from Morse Code to semaphore to sign language to ASCII to ROT13 and back again. Just in case, this is the only code wheel you'll need. Trouble cutting circles? For templates the larger circle is a 26 oz Campbell soup can and the smaller is an 11 oz'er. Download the 2M pdf here and UNIR SHA: http://renzotobias.googlepages.com/codewheel.pdf
Paper fastener: $0.01
Lamination: $0.25
TOTAL: $0.26


  1. Great idea and nicely realised! Thank you very much!

    It would be perfect, if there were the letter values A=1, B=2... printed in the letter fields of one ring and A=26, B=25... printed in those of the other ring. ;-)

  2. Hi I like this one I made a decoder that I downloaded from


    I shrunk it down and copied and laminated them and even put basic instructions on back and I use them as trading items.

    A decoder that has A = 1 type can be downloaded at


    Thanks and GOD Bless you all

